We are pleased to inform members that the LSK Justice Games 2024 will be held at the Mt. Kenya Branch on Saturday, 27th July 2024 at University of Embu from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm, under the theme, ‘Fair Play: Where Law Meets Sports.’
The Justice Games is an annual LSK event bringing together various teams drawn from stakeholders involved in the administration of justice, including judges and magistrates, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Office of the Attorney General, Prisons, Auctioneers, Advocates, Law students, the Police, Parliamentarians, Human Rights NGOs, and Media houses from within the Country.
Participants will compete for awards of trophies in the games including Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Golf, Badminton, Scrabble, Chess, Darts, Pool and fun games. ALL teams that will participate in the games shall receive a certificate of participation.
The Golf Tournament will take place on Saturday, 27th July 2024 at the Embu Golf Club. Players are expected comply with the dress code on the course and adorn a touch of green.
Teams are invited to register before the deadline of 19th July 2024. Law firms are allowed to partner up, to make a complete team consisting of ten (10) players per team for a maximum of two (2) games. The names of the team players must be submitted together with proof of identity to the LSK Secretariat upon making payment.
- ONLY teams meeting the above criteria will be allowed to participate.
- The registration fee is payable to the Law Society of Kenya. For bank and Mpesa payments, kindly contact the LSK Secretariat through shadrack@lsk.or.ke or call +254 111 045 300 to obtain an invoice from the LSK Secretariat prior to making the payment. Cash or cheque payments will not be allowed.
The Registration form for all participants (including golfers) can be accessed through the following link: Justice Games Registration form
For more information visit our website: www.lsk.or.ke or call +254 111 045 300